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Upgrade on The Terrace

If you have walked down The Terrace in Ocean Grove lately, you may have noticed a brand new shop front at the Christian’s owned Helloworld store at 75 The Terrace. With a new digital display in the window, you can look here for all upcoming day trips and extended tours. There are also exclusive specials displayed for land, cruise and air packages that may be of interest.

Hellowold Ocean Grove The Terrace is a wholly owned subsidiary of W. Christian Terang Pty Ltd and have been operating on The Terrace for more than 20 years. Christian’s took it over in 2003 when it was Jetset, and Jetset merged with Harvey World Travel to form the new franchise Helloworld back in 2013.

You can book all your bus tickets to the footy, day trips and extended tours, plus get ideas on where to for your next international holiday. Please come in to the store and say hello to our friendly team; John, Liz, Colleen, Benita and of course Sue is still out the back. If the terrace is too far then feel free to call them on 5255 5252.

Helloworld Ocean Grove The Terrace
75 The Terrace, Ocean Grove
Ph: 03 5255 5252
facebook: @helloworldoceangrovetheterrace

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm
Saturday 10.00am to 1.00pm

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